dinsdag 14 mei 2013

Del Gatto Cosmesi - natural cosmetics from bees in Le Marche

See on Scoop.it - Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d’Italia

From long time all over the world honey and bee products have been used as medicine.

In the Orient when honey is used as medicine it is dissolved in boling water and used in small doses.

Today thanks to the knowledge and learning of those who work with bees we can revalue such ancient knowledge.

In this area nature provides us with all we need and it is only thanks to the passion and enterprise of some people that in every day life we recover the properties of honey, of wax, of bee glue and royal jelly as fondamental elements for the care of our body.

Del Gatto is a small company based in Le Marche making natural cosmetics from the honey and beeswax produced by bees.

Del Gatto combines these precious ingredients with other products to produce a range of all-natural cosmetics.

See on delgattocosmesi.com

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