maandag 2 september 2013

How Global Warming will Change Wine Regions

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The Earth’s climate is shifting and winegrowers are paying close attention. Generally, the globe as a whole is warming. The warming of polar Arctic and Antarctic regions has caused more dramatic seasonal polar ice melts and results in the Earth absorbing more heat, since the shrinking white ice reflects less sunlight and heat back into space. In conjunction with atmospheric warming, more dramatic weather effects are counter-balancing temperature changes. Hurricanes and tornados are simple and terrifying examples of natural heat redistribution. Changes in rainfall are another result that agriculturalists and winegrowers need to remain aware of. Whether these global climate changes are to last a dozen year or hundreds of years is of less importance to the world’s wine growers than the more productive question of how to deal with it. It’s important that the wine industry confront climate change head-on because grapes, soil and the wine flavors they help create are directly affected by climate.

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